Research Associate II
Jaysen Reindel attended the University of California San Diego where he studied General Chemistry while serving as a Residential Assistant for Revelle College and as the Training Coordinator for the UCSD Recreation Fitness Gyms. Jaysen has a passionate and persistent work ethic that is inspiring to those around him. He has an infectiously positive outlook on creative problem solving which aided him in his journey from an analytical volunteership with the Pomeroy lab to earning full time employment with Algenesis. His ability to think and act on the fly has made him an indispensable member of our team.
When not in the lab you can find me cooking exquisite meals, lifting heavy objects and enjoying breathtaking views with my loved ones.
I’d like to see Soleic in everything. I will not consider our technology a true success until all products can biodegrade, and for us to be independent of petroleum.
Let’s create a future in which companies are all honest, authentic and transparent. We need to take the full story of a product into mind from cradle to grave – the source material all the way until the end of a product’s life. Soleic’s work, and my work here, is to be a catalyst to bring about a cleaner future in which sea life and coastal climates can thrive, without any toxic foreign waste.